Surrey Stars players raise aloft the Jayden Memorial Cup, the team beat Rewa 3-0 in the final at the Bear Creek Park in Surrey
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WHILE there’s been a lot of talk in recent years about the need for insurance for the players, the Fijian League sees it as something unnecessary.
But the proponents of 'need' say the league should seriously consider taking out insurance cover for the protection of its players from sports related injuries.
The understanding is that there are over 500 active players in the ever-growing league and with rivalries at all-time high, injuries are unavoidable but what is worrisome is that 'intentional hits' could possibly end a players' career and also put a lot financial and emotional stress on the athletes and their families.
The general feeling is that an organization like the said, that conducts itself very businesslike is obviously not very health and safety conscious towards its membership.
Every one of the 500 plus players are left to make do in-case of injuries unless there's a comprehensive plan for dental, physiotherapy, fracture and rehabilitation indemnity and in the worst of cases for settlements arising from serious injuries.
Much like the unprecedented case involving one of Fijian soccer’s finest, the seriousness of his injury had him 'standalone' and seek legal advice for the injuries he sustained.
Subarmani Reddy is a living proof of how life can change with just one malicious ‘hit’ that almost had him lose his vision.
Reddy, who was a member of Fiji Veterans team shattered his cheek bone and sustained multiple fractures to his eye-socket during the 2014 Nations Cup at the Hugh Boyd Oval in Richmond.
What followed was an excruciating reconstruction surgery, permanent scare, pain and suffering and the loss of livelihood
As a member of the team, Reddy was under the impression that the FSLGV would help him out through the recovery period and the tough times that befallen his family.
But in a strange turn of events, the FSLGV ruled itself out, advising Reddy to seek legal advice as he was playing in the Nations Cup sanctioned tournament and they were not legally liable to the injuries.
The two-year legal battle ensured with other parties and while Sportsone can't disclose the details, it has information to substantiate a settlement was reached last week and Reddy in a statement said, " I'm ecstatic about the settlement and thankful to my lawyer for handling my case”.
Two important point that can be drawn from this case is that every player that gets seriously injured will be left to deal on their own. Unless you're of Reddy's mindset.
The FSLGV president Nadraj Nair clearly made a statement on record that he (Reddy) was playing in the Nations Cup and as such they held no responsibility for the injuries.
And the second one is, what if the player is from the very league. Who is responsible then? Isn't there some hint of responsibility.
To avoid the legal chaos, a universal insurance policy would not only safeguard the interests of the players but for the association as well.
“What is good for goose is not always good the gender”, that is the opinion of some of the sports best minds.
They say there is always that law to protect the victims of sports related injuries, all you need is to retain a good attorney.