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No more Premier football: Nair

Local Sports

FSLGV, president Nadraj NairFSLGV, president Nadraj NairFIJIAN Soccer League of Greater Vancouver has been forced to abolish the premier football after the lack of clubs for the upcoming (2018) season.

President Nadraj Nair said FSLGV had been struggling with a handful of clubs for years and with just two remaining clubs the league was left with no option but to call it a premier division.

He said it was sad to see premier football will no longer be a regular Sunday fixture.

"We were left with no other option but to abolish the premier division all-together", Nair told Sportsone.

"We, as the league made a few concessions in the way of reducing the registration fees from $1400 to $600 to draw interest.

"But that didn't excite the clubs to take full advantage of the break".

Nair said the FSLGV will now concentrate on Masters, Youth and Veteran 45 divisions.

A Tanoa FC insider, however refuted Nair's concession claim.

He said the league had initially levied a $1600 registration fee and when they found out the clubs had decided not to play in a league with a few clubs, the league reduced the registration fee.

"The clubs have had enough of the league. There is no incentive, prize money and other benefits. No club wants to be a part of the league that has only 3 teams.

"The league hasn't progressed in the last 15 years. The fact is the league has lost from interest to clubs and has it ever become less exciting.

"FSLGV has become a veteran’s league. How sad it is, instead of moving forward they're going backwards".

The source said Tanoa FC will concentrate on playing Richmond League and selected tournaments locally and in the USA.


Ten Masters and Five Veteran 45 clubs have registered with the FSLGV for the 2018 season.

The season is expected to kickstart at the end of April.




+2 #1 ShameAlan 2018-03-28 19:38
With no Premier league who needs big talking and pretenders to govern the Veterans..All the officials need to be shown the door..
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