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Chand's moment in time

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Masters League founder, Umesh Chand-Pic submittedMasters League founder, Umesh Chand-Pic submittedFORMER footballer and Police officer Umesh Chand has always been health and fitness conscious.

And the fitness savvy wanted the same for past their prime and retired footballers that he came up with the idea of starting a masters football league in 2005.

Instead, he decided to take up the idea with the Fijian Soccer League, who ran the open men’s league.

The proposal wasn’t so cordial at the outset.

“The league wasn’t interested in listening. They beat down on my idea,” said Chand.

It was then that Chand put years’ of his Police intelligence work to good use, making a second submission and this time it worked.

“I made a good case on the need to beat the non communicable diseases (NCD), the need to stay active, workout, healthy life and that the least we could do as a league is to give hope a chance.

“Had the league been adamant, it was their loss, look at the movement now, big and better than what the premier ball has to offer.”

Formative years

Chand spread the word among footballers to come out of retirement, form and or join teams to play the sport they loved.

The formative year had three teams, with Rewa, Lautoka and Tailevu/Naitasiri playing in the 35s age group on a round robin format.

“The desire grew and a few more teams joined to bring the total to 5 in the second season.

“By 2007 there were 8 teams, with serious competition, knockout tournament and Inter District Championship followed, drawing huge fanfare.”

League saver

And in 2018, when the premier league was scrapped for the lack of teams, the masters division kept the league alive.

Chand’s legacy saved the league from the embarrassment of becoming another defunct body.

In recent years, the masters division has grown in leaps and bounds with ages 35s, 45s and 50s in the new year.


In recognition, Chand, the founder of the masters league was awarded a plaque for being a sporting impact during the Fijian Soccer League’s Silver Jubilee celebrations last weekend.

“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.

“Let’s live by the very values,” said Chand.

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