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Police chief and politician offered a night out in Kinoya


Imran Khan, Balabala Crestent residentImran Khan, Balabala Crestent residentA KINOYA resident is inviting politicians and the Police Commissioner to ride out a night to experience the dangers of crime in the area.

Imran Khan said the elected people in position would only understand what the people are going through if they leave the comforts of their homes.

Khan has lived in the area for 28-years and has seen worse lately.

He said areas in and around Balabala Crescent are being terrorized, beaten up, houses broken into and ransacked by criminals and nothing comes out of Police complaints.  

“Balabala Crescent is a hive of night activity and there’s a growing safety and security concern for the area residents,” he said.

“I invite people in power places, politicians and Police Commissioner to be our night guests, walk the talk that you care.

“Care to join, come live a real life.”

Recently, Khan witnessed a night shift worker being chased down the street, beaten up and was bleeding profusely.

He said the young man's screams caught their attention.

“My cousins and I confronted the attackers who were armed with sticks, had we not been awake, who knows what the outcome would have been.”

Khan said the criminals have become so brazen that they cut floors of houses to gain entry.

“We not talking about petty crimes any more, people’s lives and property are being compromised.

“Criminals and crimes are at a next level. The violent crimes are on the rise.”

Khan has offered disguise garbs for Police Commissioner and politicians at his cost so the criminals see them as ordinary citizens.

“It all comes down to serve and protect.”


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